
Hw: Double Entry Notetaking Worksheet


  1. Lots of lights, lounge chairs (bean bags, mini couch), 2 big flat screen tv, loud music
  2. People seem very social and was crowded with people between the age of (10-28)
  3. Everyone is dressed in streetwear (fashion)
  4. They served everyone drinks and donuts
  5. Lots of activities and entertainment


  1. In my opinion, as someone who’s never been to a concert all my life, the lights were too bright, the speakers were so loud I had covered my ears. But everyone was hyped during the concert which was nice to see.
  2. Everyone that I saw seemed very social and welcoming. I saw kids playing video games, and board games in big groups.
  3. Everyone was very stylish. Some were dressed comfortably, casually, in streetwear, grudge, and vintage. Which was really cool.
  4. At the end of the concert, everyone was served drinks like cold brew, red bull, slushes, and glazed donuts.
  5. There were lots of opportunities to socialize, some kids were playing games of their own which included running.

What Suprised Me:

  1. What surprised me was, how different everyone was and how the event was very edge and energetic. Usually, the music I would expect to hear would be mellow, soft, almost like opera music, it was the opposite. The music was loud, energetic, and had movement, and lots of instrumental music.

What Intrigued Me:

What intrigued me was, how diverse the guests were. Some were young and others were older. Considering the pandemic we went through I in my opinion have had trouble learning how to socialize. So seeing people of different age demographic back in society socialize in a comfortable setting/manner was inspiring.

What Disturbed Me:

What intrigued me was, how diverse the guests were. Some were young and others were older. Considering the pandemic we went through I in my opinion have had trouble learning how to socialize. So seeing people of different age demographic back in society socialize in a comfortable setting/manner was inspiring.


I was honestly cultured shocked, because of the norms that I grew up in the church before, and witnessing and seeing those norms shift is something I need to adjust to and get used to. Growing up in the church since birth I have gotten used to the religious practice and rules to obey, so when I see these rules, values shift towards our current generation (Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha) is something to explore. I would honestly say I wasn’t at all social at the event since I still had to adjust to the pandemic phase.

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