
Hw: Definition of Culture

Response: What comes to mind when I hear the word culture is, belonging. When it comes to identifying myself I often think about the traditions that I practice, my ethnic background, and the values that I hold. Burundi culture has different appetites, clothing, and interests than American culture. For example, Burundi foods consist of beans, bananas, yuca, plantain, spinach, etc. And rarely ever served with dessert on the side like America. While in America the food is generally fried and greasy for example fried chicken, hot dogs, burgers, fries, nuggets and are served with a side of apple pie. In America Football is a sport that many families gather together and watch every year while in Burundi soccer is a staple in every home. Clothing in Burundi consists of bright colors and cool artistic designs with animals or plants on them. While in America many clothing does come in different designs and neutral, and dark-colored clothes are very common to have. I believe culture was built on the foundation of our ancestors. Leading us to practice or include those same traditions in our lives. In America a place where diversity is more common than in other countries (Melting Pot) so many different cultures are represented in schools, on television, on posters, in a public setting, etc. People will find interest in exploring those cultures, and that’s the beauty of it.

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